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Redefining Karma: Understanding Cause and Effect Through the Hermetic Principles

Writer: Michelle NiverMichelle Niver

hands around a yin yang symbol in space

Karma is often understood as a kind of cosmic score-keeping system—where good actions are rewarded, and bad actions bring about negative consequences. This common concept simplifies karma into a moralistic framework, where it’s treated as a mechanism of external judgment or divine justice. However, when we reinterpret karma through the lens of the Hermetic principles, we discover that it is much more than a simple punishment or reward system—it is an intricate and natural part of the universe’s workings.

The universe, as described by Hermetic teachings, operates on laws that transcend moral judgment. As creators of our own reality, we are the ones who judge ourselves, not an external force or divine entity. Karma, in this light, becomes a neutral, self-regulating process that reflects our own growth, learning, and alignment with universal laws.

This article explores how the Hermetic principles redefine karma as a dynamic flow of energy, rather than a form of external punishment or reward. By reframing karma this way, we can begin to see it as a tool for personal evolution rather than something to fear.

I also present the concept of self-judgment, emphasizing that in the end, it is our own inner awareness and consciousness that hold the true power to guide us.

What are the Hermetic Principles?

The Hermetic Principles are a set of universal laws rooted in ancient teachings and form the foundation of Hermetic philosophy, which influenced Western esotericism and spirituality. These ideas are detailed in the Hermetic text The Kybalion, published in 1908 by three anonymous authors known as The Three Initiates.

In this article, we will focus on the principles of vibration, correspondence, and cause and effect; however, for clarity and your reference, here is a list of all seven Hermetic principles.

  1. Mentalism — the universe is mental, created by thought

  2. Correspondence — as above, so below

  3. Vibration — everything is in constant motion

  4. Polarity — everything has opposites

  5. Rhythm — everything flows in cycles

  6. Cause and Effect — every action has a reaction

  7. Gender — masculine and feminine exist in all things

Karma and the Hermetic Principles

Through the lens of the Hermetic principles, we come to understand that karma is neither inherently positive nor negative—it is simply the natural consequence of our actions, thoughts, and intentions.

finger making ripples in water

Several Hermetic principles directly apply to the concept of karma, each providing a more profound and holistic understanding:

1. The Principle of Cause and Effect

This principle states that nothing happens by chance and that every action (or cause) leads to a corresponding reaction (or effect). In this sense, karma is not about punishment or reward, but about energetic consequences that flow from our actions.

Every thought, word, and deed we engage in sends out energy into the universe, which then creates ripples that return to us in the form of life experiences.

2. The Principle of Vibration

Everything in the universe is constantly moving, and similar vibrations naturally attract one another. Karma operates on the principle that the energy we put out through our actions, thoughts, and feelings vibrates at a certain frequency and attracts experiences or outcomes that match it.

That is, if we are constantly acting from a place of negativity, we create lower vibrations that eventually manifest as challenges or obstacles. Conversely, when we act from a place of love, compassion, or balance, we attract higher vibrations into our lives.

3. The Principle of Correspondence

a space nebula connected to neurons

The Hermetic principle, "As above, so below; as below, so above," emphasizes the connection between the microcosm and macrocosm, where the small reflects the large and vice versa.

This concept is seen in the way the energy we put into the world mirrors back to us. It’s not about external judgment but rather the universe reflecting our inner state and actions, allowing us to witness the outcomes of our choices in the physical world.

Self-Judgment and the Role of Personal Responsibility

A significant aspect of karma that is often misunderstood is the idea of judgment. People frequently view karma as a form of external justice, imagining that some cosmic force is sitting in judgment of their actions and deciding their fate. However, Hermetic wisdom teaches us that the only true judge is ourselves.

When we pass from this life, it’s said that the soul reflects on its actions and experiences through the lens of higher awareness. We become our own judges, recognizing where we acted in alignment with universal laws or where we acted out of fear, selfishness, or ignorance. It’s not that we are punished or rewarded by an outside force, but rather that we are faced with the energetic consequences of the choices we made and the impact those choices had on ourselves and others. This understanding of karma aligns with the Hermetic principle of Mentalism, which holds that “The All is Mind; the Universe is Mental.”

We create our own reality based on our thoughts, beliefs, and intentions, and the only judgment that truly matters comes from our higher self.

In this context, karma becomes less about external forces or divine judgment and more about self-awareness and responsibility. We are the creators of our destiny, and we must learn to take full responsibility for the energy we generate.

Shifting from a Negative View of Karma

In modern understanding, karma is often associated with negative consequences—people say things like “karma will get you” or use the term to explain why something bad has happened. This negative association reduces karma to a tool of fear and retribution. However, Hermetic teachings reveal that karma is not inherently negative; it is neutral.

a person with an angel shadow

The universe is not punishing or rewarding us, but simply reflecting the energy we create back to us.

By understanding karma through the Hermetic principles, we see that karma is more about balance and learning than about punishment. It is an opportunity for growth.

When we experience difficult situations as a result of our past actions, these challenges are not intended to punish us but to help us recognize where we have misaligned with the flow of universal energy.

We are invited to learn from these experiences, adjust our behaviors, and come into better harmony with the natural laws of the universe.

Karma as a Tool for Empowerment

When we move away from seeing karma as a tool for punishment and begin to understand it through the lens of Hermetic principles, it becomes an empowering concept. Rather than seeing ourselves as victims of some cosmic force, we recognize that we are active participants in the creation of our reality. We are continually shaping our lives through the energy we emit and the choices we make.

This understanding encourages us to live more consciously, knowing that everything we think, say, and do has an impact. We become more mindful of our actions and strive to align them with higher vibrations, knowing that by doing so, we are creating positive ripples that will return to us in time. Karma, in this sense, is a natural feedback mechanism, offering us the chance to refine our energy and grow spiritually.

In Summary

Karma, when viewed through the lens of Hermetic principles, is not a system of divine retribution but a natural law of cause and effect that reflects our own energy back to us. It teaches us that we are responsible for the reality we create, and that we are the only ones who can truly judge our actions in the end. By understanding karma in this way, we can shift from seeing it as a form of cosmic punishment to recognizing it as a tool for self-awareness, personal growth, and spiritual evolution.

In embracing the Hermetic principles, we come to see karma as a neutral and empowering force, inviting us to live more consciously and in alignment with the natural laws of the universe.

Ultimately, karma is not something to fear but a reminder that we are co-creators of our own existence, and that with awareness and intention, we can shape our future and align more closely with our highest self.

Thanks for reading!

In Gratitude for Our Human Journeys,

Michelle from Sacred Awaken

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